Capt. Idaye George Orupabo

On 3rd October 2023, I received this email from Somiebi Idaye, which is explicit:
“Hello, my name is Somiebi Idaye. I recently came across the NNSL webpage online and found many of the interviews quite enjoyable. My late father, Capt. Idaye George Orupabo, commenced his career with NNSL in 1968 and departed in 1995. Regrettably, I never had the opportunity to hear his story, as I was only 5 years old when he passed away in 2006. However, I have come across some photographs and other memorabilia from his belongings. If you find it suitable, I would be pleased to share these pictures with you for possible inclusion on the website.”
In the circumstances, and being an archive dedicated to the memories and memorabilia of the NNSL and its many employees and stakeholders, I have taken the decision to reproduce all the pictures that Somiebi sent in the hope that they will tell the stories of his father as much as possible.