Capt Ezekiel Ishola

capt ishola
Capt Ishola was a master mariner. Since retirement from NNSL he has been working in the private sector of Nigeria’s maritime industry.

Highlights of his Interview

Early education; work with Federal Ministry of Finance, Loans Section; employment in Nigerian National Shipping Line (NNSL) at Lagos; sailed to Liverpool with ten other cadets for Nautical school, all expenses paid; relations with other employees, seniors, etc; maltreatment by bosuns and Nigerian trainers; role models among senior master mariners; correspondence courses taken at sea; unfair promotions leading to protests and three promotions in one year; appointed lecturers on board ship for 30 cadets from Lagos to European ports, round trip; voyages for Peugeot Automobiles Nigerian from Rouen France to Lagos – CKD containers railed straight to Kaduna from ship side; all the ports visited in his career; many expatriates employed in NNSL for which the crews are called “United Nations”; life in Liverpool and adjusting to the culture shock of schooling overseas; allowances paid and scholarship; sailing with his family to Liverpool and back; effect of long stay at sea on family and marriage; Mv Ogbese incident of arrest in India (Gujarat Port) with load of gmelina wood, exhaustion of provisions, subsequent sail to Bombay under monsoon conditions and Coast Guard watch; court order for $1.8m security to be deposited (later reduced to $600,000.00); spent 18 months away from Nigeria during the ship arrest; return to Nigeria in 1989/1990 and voluntary resignation from NNSL; 14 months accumulated leave; view of NNSL’s problems history; vessels commanded and accidents recorded; disciplinary action taken against him.

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