Capt Iwebuke Onyenenem

Early education; interview for the NNSL job coincided with the Murtala coup d’etat in 1975 so was postponed; eventually interviewed, passed interview; sent to nautical school in England after bond was signed; adaptation to British life and society; training aboard ship and at school; Class 3 certificate of competency (COC) on graduation; followed by sea time; promotion to Class 2 COC; back to sea; few months later promoted to Chief Officer due available vacancy aboard Mv. River Gongola; process of sea training, deck and engine room; ports called along Dakar-Luanda range; cargoes carried; post-graduate diploma in management studies at Plymouth University; Captain’s course; Master’s degree at Liverpool John Moore’s University; peers, seniors; secondment to Elder Dempster aboard Mv. Eboe, for six months practical training; experience working with expatriate officers aboard Mv. River Hadejia, a container-combo ship; life in Liverpool with his family in 1981; remuneration and allowances; return to Nigeria; reasons for the decline of NNSL’s profitable operations; ship repair processes; sales of NNSL ships; resigned in 1993; joined Flour Mills Nigeria Ltd as shipping manager; later joined Shell Petroleum Development Company Ltd Lagos Office as shipping manager in 1996 for 18 years; retired 2014; worked for Eroton Oil Company till 2019.